Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Work in progress

I'm finding more and more that this is going to be a long work in progress much more than anything easy to churn out, which is what I had originally imagined. I'm well along in the creative process but not very far in the writing process. I'm finding that a lot of work goes into creating characters, a setting and a plot.

I'd like to create as "realistic" a zombie apocalypse situation as possible, so I'm having to spend time thinking about things like:

-how do the characters defend themselves?
-how do the characters find sustainable sources of food and water
-how do the characters shelter themselves safely?
-etc, etc.

I'm spending time thinking about these things because I don't want to write a cookie cutter plot/situation because that would essentially be someone else's creation. If this project is going to be worthwhile, it would only be right to create my own ideas about the entire world I'm creating, rather than picking and choosing ideas from the creations of others.

I had originally thought I'd already be churning out readable content by now, but that's not realistically going to be the case. I have a lot of thinking and writing to do before I want to let people into the world I'm creating. I wouldn't be starting this project if I didn't plan on letting anyone in, so we'll see where this takes us.

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